Windows 7-2008 or later:
TITLE Set Windows Firewall Features for Windows 7-2008 or later
:: Purpose: Auto-set Windows Firewall Features for Windows 7-2008 or later.
:: Version: 2.0
:: Author: ZeusABJ
:: Clear screen to hide "UNC paths not supported" error message:
:: Display a message to the user:
ECHO Setting Windows Firewall Features for Windows 7-2008 or later...
:: Run NETSH commands to disable/enable (off/on) individual firewall profiles:
netsh advfirewall set domainprofile state off
:: netsh advfirewall set privateprofile state off
:: netsh advfirewall set publicprofile state off
:: Run NETSH commands to disable/enable (off/on) all firewall profiles:
:: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
:: Run NETSH command to enable Remote Desktop exception:
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote desktop" new enable=Yes
:: Display completion notice:
ECHO Done!
:: Uncomment to view script results:
:: ECHO.
Windows XP-2003:
TITLE Set Windows Firewall Features for Windows XP-2003
:: Purpose: Auto-set Windows Firewall Features for Windows XP-2003.
:: Version: 2.0
:: Author: ZeusABJ
:: Clear screen to hide "UNC paths not supported" error message:
:: Display a message to the user:
ECHO Setting Windows Firewall Features for Windows XP-2003...
:: Run NETSH commands to disable/enable firewall:
netsh firewall set opmode disable
:: Run NETSH command to enable Remote Desktop exception:
netsh firewall set service remotedesktop enable
:: Display completion notice:
ECHO Done!
:: Uncomment to view script results:
:: ECHO.
BONUS - This script will reset the firewall if you make a mistake with your desired settings:
TITLE Reset Windows Firewall Features for Windows 7-2008 or later
:: Purpose: Auto-reset Windows Firewall Features for Windows 7-2008 or later.
:: Version: 2.0
:: Author: ZeusABJ
:: Clear screen to hide "UNC paths not supported" error message:
:: Display a message to the user:
ECHO Resetting Windows Firewall for Windows 7-2008 or later...
:: Run NETSH commands to reset firewall (restores default settings):
netsh advfirewall reset
:: Display completion notice:
ECHO Done!
:: Uncomment to view script results:
:: ECHO.