Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tea for Christmas!

Being the tea fanatic that I am means I'm always looking for an excuse to share good tea with friends and family. The approaching holidays makes it even easier. this year I'm goign to be buying some tins of Kusmi's excellent Christmas Tea:

Also since your average joe does not have a loose tea setup I'll pair each tin with a box of these excellent 9and very affordable) paper filters from Adagio:


Going from MDT to SCCM is not as easy as I thought...

We've been using MDT for OS Deployment internally at my company since version 2008. Although MDT supports a SQL database I never had a real need to use one. Because of the successes we had with MDT we thought a leap to SCCM would not be too much of a stretch. Boy were we wrong. SCCM is powerful, but its also really complicated and dense. If you are using MDT and thinking about getting your feet wet with SCCM make sure you brush up on SQL, WQL and WMI. With all the SQL and WQL I've been writing lately I feel more like a DBA than a SysAdmin...